Would Sasuke like you

This tells about if Sasuke uchiha would date you come on we all love that emo boy from the hidden leaf take this quiz to find out if he would like you.

Come on I you don’t like Sasuke than why are you here and this is only for girls no guys no gay guys either. Yea so I hope you like it so get ready for an amazing story

Created by: Sasuke amazing
  1. Hey guys starting off with what is your favorite color. I know it’s basic but I need to know
  2. Ok Sasuke’s here time for a role play.Sasuke: you done speaking now. Me: yea, fine. Sasuke: ok first just a normal question then the role play.Me: ahh come on Sasuke. Sasuke: just shut up already, ok so would you be friends with Sakura
  3. Sasuke: ok role play now you see me walking in the village and I ask you if you are ok cause you kinda seem sad and alone.
  4. Sasuke: whatever you chose, you remember you had a sleep over with Sakura and all the other girls and you just happened to run into Sasuke you rush over there and there talking about who they like. Sakura turns over to you and ask’s you who you like since you were the new kid Sakura got everyone interested, what’s your answer
  5. Me: remember this is only for those who picked Sasuke. I’m going to add a extra answer choice for the people who didn’t choose Sasuke. Sasuke: as I was saying after hearing it’s Sasuke, Sakura is so upset she is so upset she wants to humiliate you. So she calls the boys over and says there playing spin the bottle. After a while the bottle lands on Sakura you are so mad she will get the first kiss on Sasuke. But thanks to Sasuke he was getting a drink and kicks the bottle to land on you he winks at you before sitting down. You tell Sakura I get to do it and she agrees to it because she knows Sasuke did it. What would you do?
  6. After the sleep over I invited you to my house you say yes because you love hanging out with friends he ask’s if you want to watch a movie and you say sure. I put my arm around you to sit and watch the movie, what do you do?
  7. After the movie you fell asleep it didn’t matter who you were in love with I loved you. I took my shirt of to go to sleep I start hugging you and go to sleep you wake up in the morning and se Sasuke in the same position what will you do.
  8. Then I wake up after a while wake you up give you a kiss and ask if you want to go on a walk what would you say
  9. After the walk Sasuke takes you home he said he had a grate time with me which made you happy what do you do after
  10. Years pass we have been dating for a while now. I need to go on a big mission including kaguya. So I wanted to ask you a big question before I leave. Will you marry me?

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