would sasuke date you?

there are a lot of sasuke fan girls but 1 could date him because ahe is like him. understands what its like to be alone and ur pretty emo. who is sasuke uchiha? he is from the show naruto um he is from the uchiha clan who got killed by his older brother itachi uchiha. itachi killed the whole clan except his brother. now sasuke has to kill his brother by lots of training orochimaru's help.

are you capable of dating sasuke? are u his type? take the quiz and find out if sasuke would date you. if you are capable of taking this quiz see if you can date him or not.

Created by: kikyo

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you emo?
  2. if someone u know killed ur whole family would u kill them?
  3. if a lot of boys or girls like u wat would u do?
  4. do u think sasuke would date you?
  5. do u like sasuke?
  6. this is a random question how many peanuts do u have?
  7. would u luv to date sasuke uchiha?
  8. if someone that u like says hi to u wat do u do?
  9. wat did u think of this quiz?
  10. if u found ur parents dead and u found out that ur older sibling killed them wat would u do?

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