Are you Sasuke or Naruto

Sauske or Naruto? wanna see who you are? chek out this cool quiz! you may find out alot more than you think. find out if you are the cool Sasuke or the hyper ninja Naruto.

Who is YOUR favorite? Do you think you're the cool Sasuke? or Hyper-active Naruto? Don't know for sure? Take this quiz and find out exactly who you are. Good luck

Created by: Raquel Andrea Destiny Jimenez

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What weapon would you prefer?
  2. When you and your teamates are assigned a suky mission they start to complain, you...
  3. What bugs the crap out of you?
  4. Somebody threatens the girl you love! you...
  5. One of your teamates run off to become a rouge ninja you...
  6. pick the qualitys that best describe you.
  7. your moto...
  8. Were would you most likely be found?
  9. What is your motive?
  10. Are you Random?

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Quiz topic: Am I Sasuke or Naruto You can find more quizzes like this one in our Naruto Quiz category.