Would Michael Jackson love you as a girlfriend?

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Did you ever asked yourself if Michael Jackson would love you as a girlfriend? Here is the (maybe) perfect quiz to find out! I made 11 short questions for you to answer! Enjoy!

I just wanted to say that this quiz is not 100% correct, I don't know Michael Jackson personally and I don't know any person who knew him.I am very sorry if there are mistakes.

Created by: Dirty Fish
  1. Welcome to the first question! So, if he wants to drink, what would you give him?
  2. Ok next question. If you both had a date at the Cinema, what Movie would you watch with him?
  3. Interesting. Now a really easy question: When was he born?
  4. Aha, ok. Now a maybe awkward question: Would you like to make love with him?
  5. Next question. What would you do if he would give you a unexpected kiss?
  6. Oh okey! So, if you both are hungry, what would you eat?
  7. Hm, interesting answer. Anyway, if you both would go to the prom, what would you wear?
  8. Do you have a favourite album?
  9. Okey, and do you have a favourite era?
  10. Oh cool. Well, did you heard all songs of his?
  11. Omg you made it to the last question! Your reaction if you would be introduced to the Jackson family?

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