Would Katsuki Bakugo sleep with you?

It's been a while since I have made a quiz and I was bored. I hope you enjoy this one! It took me a few days due to my lack of creativity. :( Have fun and I hope you get the result you want.

I'm sorry if you don't but feel free to retake the quiz. The last two questions have no effect on your scores. Have fun and I will see you on the next quiz I make!

Created by: Alex_Is_Weird
  1. What's your personality like?
  2. Style?
  3. Kinky?
  4. Who's your best friend?
  5. What do you do in your free time?
  6. Ideal date?
  7. Fav color?
  8. How do you text?
  9. Zodiac? (Wouldn'y let me add any more, sorry loves)
  10. Ready for your results?

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