Would I meet you?

This quiz is to see if I would meet you, hate you, or think you’re okay. Don’t be upset with your results. That’s how I am. You might have qualities that I don’t like, and some qualities I do like. That is okay!!!

This quiz can also help you with meeting people that are like me, animals lovers, tree huggers/lovers, trans men, demiromantic people, and bisexual people.

Created by: Charline
  1. Do you like animals?
  2. Do you like trees?
  3. Do you like gay people?
  4. Do you like bi people?
  5. Do you like trans people? (Like me)
  6. Do you care for the environment?
  7. If I weren’t transgender and I were still a girl, would you like me better?
  8. If I weren’t bisexual or demiromantic, would you like me better?
  9. Are you bored? (There is a one point effect)
  10. What do you want the results to be?

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