Would I like being ticked by you?

Would I like to be tickled by you? I only have that to say please end this its so simple dont read this I need to waste typing characters end my suffering

Great other one lets see what should I type? Honestly just skip this and take me with you we should not have to type this much end my suffering please one more word

Created by: WolfCat
  1. what kinds of bondage?
  2. How ticklish are you?
  3. (Role play) Me, a prisoner, lay tied to a table, gaged and blindfolded. You...
  4. (Role play) Me, tied up, have given you consent to everything. You...
  5. Favorite tickle game?
  6. how many people would you take with you to tickle me?
  7. What tools?
  8. (NO EFFECT) whats your gender?
  9. You want me to wear....
  10. Did you like the quiz?

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