Would I go out with you

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I did this quiz because when I do them they don't have my habits and I want to see if there is someone that has that same struggle that I have....... Will have fun

You should do this quiz if you don't do good than at lease it was fun..... Right hahaha will I don't know what to say than go do this quiz and try hard!!!!

Created by: Genesis Mendez
  1. What's you favorite color
  2. What's you favorite sport
  3. Do you have colored eyes
  4. Are you tall
  5. What would you take your girl on your first date
  6. What is you future job
  7. Are you buff
  8. Are you skinny are chubby
  9. Are you bored
  10. What kind of guy are you
  11. How old are you
  12. Did you like this quiz

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