Would I date you? XD

Would I date you? Why the Frick am I making this quiz XD This is my first quiz so its gonna be bad asfUhhhhhhhhhhyhyhhhhhh hi potato mom farts wowwww ur mom gay asf

Why do I need to write a another tricking paragraph wtf :C Uhhhh just saying if u get a good mark don't try to contact me but u can comment kk thanks bye poops

Created by: hoomanbean
  1. Are you shy?
  2. Do you like drawing/ making things/ making music?
  3. Do you support the LGBTQ+
  4. What gender are you?
  5. Favourite animal?
  6. How much do you like Disney?
  7. Which one of these fits you?
  8. Are you overly religious?
  9. Are you a furry?
  10. Favourite video game?
  11. How weird/ random are you?
  12. What kind of person would u date?

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