Would I date you (Meant for girls)

Hello, my name is Declan. I saw one of these and figured I'd make one just for fun. This quiz is intended to be used by girls, but it isn't required that you be one to do it.

If you score high on the quiz, by all means, feel free to add me on Snapchat @dcatt6426 or comment and we can chat. I'm totally open to talking to anyone who wants to talk

Created by: Bioriot
  1. How old are you?
  2. If you fit into a clique, what would it be?
  3. Do you like kids?
  4. How much do you like physical touch? (like hugging and cuddling) on a scale of 1-8
  5. Are you a girly girl or tomboy?
  6. What is your favorite genre of music?
  7. What is your favorite sport?
  8. What do you look for most in a boyfriend?
  9. If we were together, how often would you want to hang out or go out?
  10. What trait describes you best?
  11. Are you okay with dark humor?
  12. Do you care about the physical appearance of your boyfriend? (Like weight, height, etc.)
  13. What kind of pet do you want to have?
  14. Do you like video games?
  15. What kind of job do you want to have?
  16. Do you like cars?
  17. I am sorry it's long, but I hope you enjoyed the quiz. Now, let's see if we are compatible. :)

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