Would I Date You? (Guys Only)

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Hey my name is Nadia, I just made this quiz to see if there are any guys out there I could date. So I like food, animals, sports, and many other things. ^_^

ThIs Is MaKiNg Me HaVe ThIs BoX fIlLeD sO i WiLl SaY tHiS..... sKiDaDlE SkIDoOdLe YoUr d---kkkkkkk Is NoW a NoOdLe.. AlSo Answer this quiz honestly please.

Created by: ImThe_Savage1
  1. What color is your hair?
  2. What color are your eyes?
  3. Are You Popular?
  4. Got muscles?
  5. How old are you?
  6. How tall are you?
  7. What do you wear?
  8. Are you funny?
  9. Are you caring?
  10. First date... where do we go?
  11. Waffle.
  12. Would we possibly do IT?
  13. My number is 920 662-6166.
  14. Do you play sports?
  15. So... do you play Fortnite??? XD
  16. Are you honest?
  17. Sorry this is a long quiz.
  18. I love you
  19. Will you rate and comment?
  20. You like taking risks?
  21. Hehe 21 questions

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