would i date you (guys olny)

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there are guys who hit on me all the time! non-stop. im that hot? but still. see if i like you more as a friend or not, with this quiz! before i met you, if i do. i hope you like me!

Im i your girl? or im i not your girl? now you can find out! with this quiz, you can find out if i like you or not! this quiz may help you, or not. but still, this quick or not, quiz will tell you the truth! by this sign. % So please. see if i like you.

Created by: Sexy Chic

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which song is better?
  2. Which rated games do you like?
  3. What type of job does your girl have to have?
  4. what race does she need to be?
  5. would you use her?
  6. what age do you like your girl at?
  7. Do you get horny?
  8. what type of boy are you?
  9. Are you on the steelers side in football?
  10. Do you like to party?
  11. Are you a cheater?
  12. Do you smoke?
  13. do you like getting high?
  14. what food do you like?
  15. Do you work out?
  16. Are you sporty?
  17. Here is a question for you, from me! Im shy to kiss first, are you okay with it?
  18. Are you bi, straight, or plain gay?
  19. What would make your date awesome?

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