would I date you (guys)

This quiz is purely for fun, do not take it seriously. There are three answers: yes, no and maybe. I hope you enjoy it and you feel happy after, not sad.

I really hope that I don't upset anyone, but if I do, I am so, so sorry. I hope you all have a brilliant day! Please remember to rate and/or comment! :)

Created by: Rebecca
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What colour hair do you have?
  2. what colour eyes do you have?
  3. how tall are you?
  4. how many girlfriends have you had?
  5. how funny are you?
  6. how honest are you?
  7. how nice are you?
  8. what year are you in (secondary school)
  9. how nice are you?
  10. how happy are you?

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