Would I date you? (for guys)

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Ever wonder if a girl would date you? ever wish that you could find out if someone likes you? I hope that with this quiz, you can get your desired answer and hopefully I won't say no!

If you have any questions, feel free to DM me in the forums. The forums is probably where I will be found. If I'm not there, just leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Created by: CordeliaAMermaid
  1. What do you look for in a girl?
  2. If you would date a girl for her hair color what color would it be?
  3. Are you bisexual or straight?
  4. If I was your gf, how would you treat me?
  5. Do you have any experience when it comes to relationships?
  6. If you had to choose between a hot girl and a smart girl, who would you choose?
  7. If you get yes, what would your reaction be?
  8. Would you ever joke around about being in a relationship?
  9. Smash or pass (by these questions)?
  10. What is your fav color?

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