Would I Date You? (Boys Only)

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There are lot's of attractive guys in the world that have awesome personalities. Are you one of them? Would you and I work together? If you take this quiz you will definitely find out.

Opposites attract and sometimes people with the same taste and love for things attract as well. Take this quiz to find out if you would be good with me and if I would let you take me on a date :)

Created by: Kitty
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where would you take me on a first date?
  2. Do you like sports?
  3. Do you play an instrument/ sing?
  4. What type of music do you like?
  5. What colour hair do you have?
  6. What colour eyes do you have?
  7. How do you like to dress?
  8. Hobby?
  9. Do people consider you a funny person?
  10. Do people consider you a smart person?
  11. Out of these words, which best describes you?
  12. Which of these would you buy for me as a birthday present?
  13. Where would you take me for Valentines Day?
  14. Do you have tattoos or piercings?
  15. How many girlfriends have you had?

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