Would I Date You?

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I am just making this quiz of fun and i am not looking for anyone. if you are looking for someone this quiz is not for you, but plz take it anyways i would love to see your results

Again I am just making this quiz of fun. if you are looking for someone this quiz is not for you, but plz take it anyways i would love to see your results

Created by: Winteela00
  1. what is your gender
  2. who old are you
  3. what is your eye color
  4. hair color
  5. what is your hairstyle
  6. what body type are you
  7. how many exes do you have
  8. would you cheat on me (do NOT lie)
  9. on the first date where would you go
  10. out of these which one best describe you
  11. what is your favorite color
  12. how many pet do you have
  13. what is your favorite animal
  14. do you like video games
  15. what is your favorite sport
  16. what type of music do you like

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