Would I Date You??

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Hey! So this is my first quiz here my name is Lark! And I'm not sure why all these paragraphs have to be at least 100-150 letters it's annoying, very annoying.

This quiz is to see if I would actually date you now I'm taken so I won't date any of you lol but this is just for fun so let's see what happens! Shall we?

Created by: LarkinFox of My Quotev Account!
(your link here more info)
  1. What's your Personality?
  2. Can you deal with someone who is sweet most of the time but will blow up and be sarcastic once provoked?
  3. Are you willing to support someone no matter what their goals and dreams are?
  4. Are you a homophobic/transphobic ?
  5. Do looks matter to you?
  6. Are you willing to be really weird and stupid with me?
  7. Will you actually spend time with me?
  8. So I'm running out of question so now it's a w and a (these questions will not effect the result)
  9. Cats or dogs?
  10. Marvel or DC

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