Would I Date You?

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First we need to lay down the basics. I'm 13, a girl, and I'm an introvert. I usually don't show my face or reveal much more than my age online, so it may seem like you're just talking to someone behind a screen.

Secondly, I don't usually date online or anything like that. So, yeah, this quiz is just for fun! Thanks for understanding that, and I hope you have fun.

Created by: Spacefall
  1. Is your zodiac sign a Libra or Cancer?
  2. Do you wear glasses?
  3. When you look for something in a partner, personality or looks?
  4. Do you stay inside more or go outside?
  5. What's your aesthetic?
  6. Do you draw?
  7. Are you a fan of politics?
  8. Do you accept people of the LGBTQ+ community?
  9. Black or white?
  10. Why did you take this quiz?
  11. What's your gender?

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