Would Chara be your friend?

Howdy! guys and this is my (third 3rd) quiz I Hope you guys enjoy this one more than my other ones,,So let's get started with this quiz, my penguins! =)

This is a quiz to see if Chara would be your friend or not...So if you really want to know if you would be chara's friend well, - just take this quiz I made! hope you injoy! =)

Created by: Chara dreamer of Oofoofoofooofofooooooof
(your link here more info)
  1. Wich one is your favourite?
  2. If Chara killed everyone you loved and then was going to kill you what would you say?
  3. Just pick one. =)
  4. Favorite color?
  5. What would you do most of the time if you were Chara?
  6. how much do you like chocolate!!!!????
  7. favorite drink? (Besides anything related to chocolate 🍫)
  8. Favorite meme?
  9. How old you are?
  10. Favorite food?
  11. Pick one
  12. What you feel about this quiz?
  13. Choose

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Quiz topic: Would Chara be my friend?

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