Would a girl (my crush) like me?

Alrighty boys!This one's for you! Please be kind on the comments! Think your girl likes you? Well, it's time to find out! In this quiz we will be finding out if your crush likes you back.

To answer your question. Yes I am a girl but that means I know girls better than most boys would, please don't take this quiz personally...I was just really bored and this is my fist quiz

Created by: Liz
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You take a girl on a date, you..
  2. you where_______ to a date
  3. are you______ when you are around her.
  4. What color hair do you have? Remember that these results are not completely true,they may very
  5. Are you "Cool"?
  6. So I think I can tell if she likes you or no by now so let's just talk
  7. Did you know that I'm from lower peninsula MI
  8. alright almost done
  9. 2 more to go,kk what's your fav cake flavor?
  10. last one

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