World War III Journey quiz

Take the quiz to find how much of a b------ and nonsense you can go through in order to survive. The questions are a bit hazy but the results will astound.

Take the test to find out how much of an ass you will be in the upcoming war, are you a good samariten or are you the next spawn sent from hell. Only one way to find out

Created by: Sergio Rubies
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you hear thunder what do you do
  2. What kind of dessert do you prefer?
  3. Minimum wage for your life
  4. Blah blah
  5. Lol
  6. Sins of q b----
  7. Nonsense
  8. Ryan looney
  9. YMCA
  10. You are stuck in a room with assasins

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