Wolf's Rain/ TV show

People thought they were extict. They did not know where they went. They were gone until the people finally realized that all of the wolves turned into people. Do know anything about wolves? Do you love them? How you ever seen Wolf's rain? Well I think it was an awsome show!!!!

Do you watch the TV show? Do you know about Wolf's rain? It is the best. Take this quiz to find out if your wolf enough! See what you high score will be. Go on. Take a chance!

Created by: Jordyn

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is a white wolf and the strongest one too?
  2. Who is the only girl wolf who is black and wears a chain around her neck?
  3. Who is still a pup and wears a silver, swirly braclet around his front leg?
  4. Who is a bronish wolf and wears a collar around his neck? He also falls in love with the girl wolf.
  5. What wolf has a scar on his chest and use to be a leader of a gang until he followed everyone else to find paradise?
  6. Who is not a wolf but is a flower maiden who was created from a lunar flower?
  7. Who is half wolf half dog?
  8. Who started the search for paradise?
  9. Who does Blue fall in love with?
  10. Who tries so hard to be friends with Tsume?
  11. Did all of the wolves die in the end?
  12. What happend at the end of the movie?
  13. Did Darcia, the bad wolf, die or won?
  14. What woke up Cheza?
  15. Did people think wolves were extict in the movie?
  16. How did Toboe accidentaly kill his owner?
  17. What colour is a lunar flower?
  18. How many wolves are in the pack?
  19. Who sings the song "Gravity" in wolf's rain?
  20. Did Cheza die?
  21. Why did Cheza die?
  22. What wolf was raised by an idian?
  23. Who was friends with a little girl until she found out he was a wolf?
  24. Who is a grey wolf?
  25. Who did not want to be a human, in the city, because they thought it would take away thier pride as a wolf?
  26. How did Darcia become a wolf?
  27. How did Hige and Blue meet?
  28. What colour of eyes does Blue have?
  29. How many episodes are there?
  30. Does Kiba like hotdogs?
  31. Who dies first?
  32. What happends to all the wolves if they did not die?
  33. What happend to Darcia?
  34. How did Darcia die?
  35. Who did not get killed by Darcia?
  36. How did Toboe die?
  37. What year was the show made in?
  38. What is the theme song called?
  39. So in the end the wolves lived but how?
  40. What were the wolves looking for?

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