Wolf's Rain Quiz

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There is some people in the world that are geniuses when it comes to quizzes but others might not be so good but I don't care, people's mistakes help them learn.

Do you think your a genius? Well it's nearly time to find out so please take a couple of minutes from your time to take this short 10 questioned quiz. See you after the quiz ;)?

Created by: Wolf'sRainQuizzes
  1. Why did kiba try his best to get to paradise?
  2. Did paradise really exist?
  3. Which wolf died first?
  4. How big was paradise?
  5. What was cheza made out of?
  6. What was toboe scared of?
  7. Did hige ever have a pack?
  8. Why did darcia try to kill all the wolves?
  9. Who killed the giant walrus?
  10. Why did darcia blow up?

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