wolf or mountain lion?

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how much do you know about yourself and its wild ANIMAL side. lets test how much you a wolf or a mountain lion in this quiz. full moon wolf:hooooowl mountain lion:whatever

first witch is better in your mind wolf or mountain lion? im not joking witch is better to you wolf or mountain lion?

Created by: rose16236
  1. do you love to see the moon alot?
  2. do you find yourself wanting to howl at the moon?
  3. do you make alot of noise?
  4. can you run for a long time without stopping?
  5. are you a leader?
  6. do you hunt alone? (eat alone)
  7. do like cats?
  8. wolves or lions?
  9. where would you sleep a cave or a den? yes they are two differant thing i did my reserch!
  10. no affect at all but rate this quiz?

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