Wolf Love Story

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This is Wolf Love Story and it's about you, a white female wolf called Cordelia, who has an option of 5 males to mate with when she comes of age. Who will you choose?

Many males like you. Your mother is Alpha Sirena and she does not like the idea of you mating. That's why you have to be super careful. Have fun. And look out for part 2!

Created by: Gray
  1. You wake up in the morning to find Selati right next to you. You quickly jump up and step back. You feel uneasy with him. Even though you are an adolescent, in a month you will be old enough to seal the deal. Then the Alpha's howl wakes him up. "Good morning, Cedeila", said Sealati. What do you say back.
  2. He gives you a gentle nudge and goes out of the den. This makes you extra uneasy. You secretly like him deep in your heart, but are you willing to tell him? Alpha Sirena calls the daily hunt. What do you prefer to catch. The migratory animals are gone.
  3. After the hunt, Alpha Sirena calls the patrol. She orders that you and Selati patrol together. What do you do.
  4. Alpha Sirena orders for you and Selati to patrol the northeastern part of the territory. You shiver under your fur. That is where Cedar the Grizzly Bear lives. What do you do?
  5. You and Selati patrol the northeastern section. It is a dark forest with little sunlight. An ambush could come from anywhere. Suddenly, you hear a horrifying roar. You say...
  6. The figure comes towards you. It is Cedar! He knocks you off your feet with a mighty swipe from his paws, injuring you. Selati jumps on the bear's back and starts viciously biting it. What do you do?
  7. The bear flees for the time being. Selati offers to help you up. You say...
  8. You return to the pack. But someone pulls you in the brush. "Where have you been?", said Blitz. You reply...
  9. You leave the brush only to bump into Belache. You nudge him, and you both rub heads. He is your best friend and you've known each other since birth.
  10. Blitz sees the romance but does nothing. He was once Alpha, but he was humiliated by Sirena, who usurped him. But his son, Nigando, has eyes for you!
  11. After your romance with Belache, he kisses you on the cheek. He has never done anything this big. You blush and stare at him, but you are revived back into reality by Kinkytail jumping on you. He is an adolescent too, and he gets crazy about you sometimes.
  12. Please rate and comment and look out for part 2.

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