WoF love story- part three

THIS IS THE LAST PART! IF YOUR HOMOPHOBIC YOU SHOULD NOT READ IT! LIKE, PLZ! NO HATEFUL COMMENT! Be nice to meh, uhh nothing else to say but just one more thing-

Just one more thing- I hope you will enjoy this. Byeeeeeee HAVE FUNNNNNNNNNNNNN Someone kiss’s you and you kiss them btw. And it’s SUPER DUPER CUTE! XD

Created by: RoseDaDragoon
  1. WECLOME BACK! LETS GET STRAIGHT IN! But re-cap: Hawk and Pine are fighting over Starfish but she doesn’t know ;)
  2. At night when You and Pine we’re walking back to your dorm. Pine takes you outside instead. You follow her confused and see Hawk and another SkyWing crying, outside “What is going on” You say shocked “She found out about everything” Pine explained “She was who Hawk is supposed to marry, like. Tomorrow” You look around shocked
  3. Pine takes you too a different place outside. Two of the moons were nearly full, and the third was nearly half full. Pine flew to a small ledge in the mountain and you followed her. It was darker down here and Pine looked almost Camo. There was a pause for a few seconds, when you were about to say something Pine pressed her snout to yours.
  4. She steps back from you and flys into a cave. You follow her and look into the cave but can’t see her. Land in the cave. Suddenly something lit up behind her, Hawk was holding a stick with fire at the end, tears in his eyes
  5. You turn her head from him and walk further into the cave, you see Pine at the end of the cave, her scaled were dark grey making her hard to see. You run down to her and brush her wing against hers
  6. She shuffled slightly and turned her head from you, you pull her snout back to you and PUT YOUR SNOUT ON HERS AND THEN-
  7. HAWK GASPED AND RAN OFF AND OUT OF THE CAVE! Ok next one is gonna be a really cute one
  8. Pine looked up at you, you hold her talons and smile. -me: i’m Like, dying from the cuteness- she smiled back at you and wrapped her tail around yours
  9. That’s it. Hoped you liked it. STARFISH AND PINE LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTERRR!
  10. I need ten questions so, BYE! :P! :3

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