Witch WoF tribe are you Quiz!

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Hello! This quiz will help you find out what tribe you are from! It is a long quiz, so make sure you have the time for it! The paragraph below will explain the quiz!

Every question has multiple parts, and some may not! There will be lots of personal questions, and some random! Hope you enjoy! See you at the very end!

Created by: Peril the skywing
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Your eye color?
  3. Favorite habitat?
  4. How do you describe your life?
  5. what is your personality?
  6. Want pets?
  7. If so what kind of pet?
  8. What is your power?
  9. Another power?
  10. Was this quiz awsome?

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Quiz topic: Witch WoF tribe am I Quiz!
