Witch warrior cat are you *made up cats*

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There are many quizzes just like mine but this one has awesome made up warriors characters you will be happy with the end result. Sorry if some of my spelling is incorrect in anyway I I'll update to let you know about newest quizzes under my name

This quiz is going to be awesome trust me on this if its not then thats a sad sad story for you. It's my first quiz so don't be surprised if it's not that good. I'm going to make a story quiz on these characters in this quiz you will get as a end result ~ from raindropwarriorcats

Created by: raindropwarriorcats
  1. What best describes you *be honest plz*
  2. Which piece of fresh kill is your favorite
  3. What is your favorite colour
  4. Are you a she-cat or Tom (if you choose Tom you get Tom not shecat like some quizzes I took before)
  5. *role play* your with your mentor on your first day as apprentince and your mentor lets you choose what to do what would you choose
  6. Your leader asks you to go to the gathering but your worse emey from a rival clan is going to be there you say
  7. Who is your favorite character from the real warrior series
  8. Choose a smiley face (no effect on end result)
  9. What rank do you like the best
  10. What clan do you like best
  11. Trust your instincts
  12. How would you rate this quiz (no affect on end result)
  13. ARE YOU READY FOR THE FINAL RESULTS i hope your happy with your end result I spend some time on this quiz

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Quiz topic: Witch warrior cat am I *made up cats*