Witch T.V show fits you

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Hey do you love T.V well if you do you might like my test it sees what T.V show fits your personally and if you like 90s Nick you will love the pic

Now I know a lot of people are like " Yes finally a quiz that fits me !" And you might be one of those people saying that and I know I am saying that .

Created by: Chloe
  1. Who is your favorite person in Shake It Up?
  2. If you could be any Disney princess who would you be?
  3. Who wears the cutest cloths?
  4. What princess suites the girl who made this quiz most?
  5. Who was your favorite childhood character ?
  6. Witch show sounds like you ?
  7. In witch show did Cody Martin look the cute and hotets
  8. Why did CeCe not tell rocky she had problems reading
  9. In what show had this line ( It's the best day ever)
  10. What year did Dick Clark die

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