Witch sim are you like??

it dosent matter if you are smart or not what matter is your personality an whao u are and who u might be smart is a good thing but also not being smart is another goo thing

no u dont hve to be if u are it dosent matter what matters is who u are and who u are like you don hve to be a jenius just be your self wonder who would u be

Created by: moyapearson
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you rather do for fun??
  2. Where would you go on a date??
  3. What would your idol man be??
  4. where would u get married??
  5. What age would you get married??
  6. how many kids would u like to have??
  7. witch clothes would you were at the mall??
  8. witch colour hair would you like to be born with or born with?/
  9. would you tell your dad if you prenant or you mom??
  10. last what is your favorte colour

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Quiz topic: Witch sim am I like??