Witch Powermetal Band Are You?

There are many Powermetal bands in this world. Some suck and some are frickin Epic! A real powermetal dude likes to drink, has long hair and plays the guitar.

Are you the very fundament of power metal? Or are you a mouse? Are you a wannabee metalhead or are you that guy who slays dragons before drinking a cup of coffee?

Created by: Michael Irving

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you smoke?
  2. What is your favourite coulour?
  3. What kind of hair do you prefer?
  4. Witch guitar rules!
  5. What interests you more?
  6. Are you an wannabee? Do you have no dignity?
  7. Dragonforce rules
  8. What is the Name of Hammerfalls new album (2009)
  9. Dit you just downloaded that new album?
  10. Witch band do you think you are?

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Quiz topic: Witch Powermetal Band am I?