witch person can u be?

people likes hanging out with friends and do other fun stuff. would you like to take this quiz? go ahead. you can be brooke,john,ashley,bob and sammy. so sammy is a nerd.

so go ahead and take this quiz. it can be a guy or girl taking this quiz. and when your done taking this quiz, you can comment if you want. so i hope you have fun with my quiz! see ya!!!

Created by: kAtRiNe_l00SES
  1. What kind of person would you be?
  2. who do you wanna be?
  3. what would you like?
  4. what friend would you rather have?
  5. are u a female or a male?
  6. what color do you like?
  7. what would be your hobbie?
  8. what will be your favorite animal?
  9. what would you do when having a birthday party?
  10. what will be your favorite season?

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