Witch kind of "friend" are you?

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This quiz is made so that you can find out what kind of friend you are and how others see you. Then you know how to be a good friend and behave properly.

I hope it's good. This is my first quiz. I just want to help people better understand and know how to be good friends. If everything doesn't suit your nature, don't be sad! It's just a game!

Created by: Helmi
  1. How many friends do you have?
  2. How do you react when someone cries?
  3. Did you lie to make your friend feel better?
  4. Do you have a friend group?
  5. Do people smile when they see you?
  6. Do you get angry easily?
  7. A friend would tell you that she can't be your friend anymore. How do you react?
  8. Do your friends ask you out often?
  9. When you are out eating, shopping or wherever with a friend and she forgets money at home. What would you do?
  10. Do your friends trust you and you trust them?

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Quiz topic: Witch kind of "friend" am I?
