Witch Clan Cat Are You?

Have you ever wanted to find out who your warrior cat equal is? Thanks to my truly awesome quiz... YOU WILL FIND OUT! Lucky you... Witch she-cat is your equal?!?

A truly awesome quiz. Are You smart enough to complete this quiz??? OR ARE YOU WHIMPS!?! (just letting you know... I am NOT A WHIMP!!!).

Created by: suzzy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you had a kit, would you give them to another clan to save them? EVEN if you never got to see them again.
  2. Would you go on a journey o find something you didn't have a clue about to save your clan?
  3. Would you fall in love with a tom even if you knew he was dangerous?
  4. Would you fall in love with a tom even if you knew he was dangerous?
  5. Would you drown to save your clan from dogs?
  6. Did you ever want to have kits ?
  7. Do you want to train in the dark forest?
  8. Do you like your siblings?
  9. Would you like to be one of the three.
  10. Want to be clan leader?

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Quiz topic: Witch Clan Cat am I?