Witch animal are you?

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If you wanted to be a animal witch one would it be? A cat of a dog? I would like both! Cats are good a playing, dogs protect you! I can’t diced! But if you can, who would you be?

Find out If you are more like a cat or dog, once you see the answer you might be surprised! Please feel free to play as much as you want and most of all... Have FUN!!

Created by: Macie Anne Martinez
  1. You get offered and ball of yarn, what do you do?
  2. If you saw a animal, which would you chase?
  3. You see a hot dog, what do you do?
  4. Witch animal do you like best?
  5. You have to have a name, what would it be?
  6. When your tired you...
  7. You like the color...
  8. You want to be a...
  9. You have a dream about...
  10. Do you have a cat or dog?

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Quiz topic: Witch animal am I?
