Wings Of Fire: What Pantalan Tribe Are You?

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Hello! I made another quiz recently that dealt with the Phyrrian Tribes. Here’s one for Pantala. Thanks for taking the quiz and enjoy! :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3

Are you a HiveWing, a LeafWing, or a SilkWing?! (Spoiler Alert if you havent read Book 11) LEAFWINGS DO EXIST!! Also, what tribe did you get for Phyrria? Let us know in the comments :D

Created by: Kathy
  1. Pick a number.
  2. Pick an animal.
  3. Pick a random item.
  4. Pick an Uno Card.
  5. Pick a flower.
  6. Will not affect score
  7. Will not affect score
  8. Same thing
  9. Sorry :C

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Quiz topic: Wings Of Fire: What Pantalan Tribe am I?

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