Wings of Fire Ultimate Test 1% pass this! (Impossible!)

If you pass this I will be impressed and in awe. No storming out! This is the Hardest Wings of Fire test Ever! Please do not cheat. This is not rigged.

Can you pass and make a 100? Fail? Middle? If you didn’t do good. It’s ok! I don’t blame you. Let’s see if you are a true Wings of Fire Fan. If you don’t get it, it doesn’t mean your not smart!

Created by: Liberty Christianity
  1. Hey guys. Im just going to go over a few rules. Plzzz dont cheat, no bad comments, don’t get mad and blame it on me if you fail. Share you results if you want, and rate, but most of all have fun. Alright, let’s begin....ummmmm how many pages are in Darkness of Dragons?
  2. When was the Dragonet Prophecy realeased?
  3. how big are normal dragons?
  4. How many human years make up a dragon year?
  5. True or False? Whiteout is an animus?
  6. Who’s the most powerful tribe in WoF? Contains spoiler alerts if you haven’t read book 4.
  7. Here’s an easy one, who’s the author?
  8. Who is the weakest tribe?
  9. What does Pyrrhia mean?
  10. Did Bumblebee ever say this? Snoodooooo beeeeemoonica sihatigbavtop

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