Wings of Fire Trivia

Hello, quiztakers! I hole you enjoy this quiz, I am, I admit, a Wings of Fire (WoF) fan, so it's understandable why I made this quiz, right? I wanted to show you quiztakers what it's all about.

I really truly appreciate that you are taking my quiz, and I hope it isn't a waste of your time! Good luck, I hope you get 100 on this! Thank you again, have fun!

Created by: GLORY!
  1. Who does Clay like?
  2. Who does Tsunami like?
  3. Who does Glory like?
  4. Who does Peril like?
  5. What kind of dragon is Tsunami
  6. Who is Tsunami's father?
  7. Who is Tsunami's mother?
  8. Is Tsunami the Lost Princess?
  9. What kind of dragon is Clay?
  10. Who is Glory's older brother?
  11. What is special about RainWing scales?
  12. What color is Sunny?
  13. Who are the three SandWing queens? (They are sisters)
  14. What is special about a SandWing's tail?
  15. What are the seven Tribes of dragons?
  16. What dragonets are there supposed to be in the Dragonet Prophecy?

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