Wings of Fire triava quiz

HI i'm amme and i'm a huge wings of fan so i decided to make this quiz to test your knowlage.All the awnsers are mentioned in the books and don't forget there such good books it wouldn't hurt to reread them.

I hope you read them and if not you should there great.Try to do this quiz by yourself but don't hesitate to ask for help.Take this quiz to find out how much you know about wings of fire!

Created by: Amme Dul
  1. Which one of the sandwing sisters is smartest of Blister,Blaze,and Burn
  2. Which of the dragonets of destiny is a hybrid
  3. Which dragonet has a crush on Sunny
  4. Which dragonet can hold there breath for 1 hour
  5. Who is Glory's brother
  6. Which dragonet can spit venom
  7. Which one of the dragonets is given to Burn
  8. Who is the oldest dragonet
  9. Which tribe can spit frostbreath
  10. How many secret tunnels are there

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