Wings of fire romance #1(female version)

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Hi! This is the female version of my quiz in the perspective of a 6 year old Seawing, Seastorm. The male version of the quiz and # 2 will be coming soon! (P.S the male version is Starfall’s perspective)

This quiz was inspired by Wings of fire love story Jade mountain academy. I spent lots of time making this! Put what ending you got in the comments! I would like to see them!

Created by: Isabelle
  1. On a Monday morning, you wake up excitedly.It’s the day of your first hunt! You rush out of your underwater cave excitedly to your mother ,Tsunami.
  2. Your mom reluctantly walks out of her cave room and wakes up your dad, Riptide.
  3. Your mom and dad brought you to a spot where the water was still and peaceful, and the water was full of tasty fish. ‘Wow ‘you say, amazed.
  4. You swim to a small school of fish. You have seen your parents hunt before, so you know what to do.
  5. ‘Wow’ says an unfamiliar voice. ‘You seem really good at hunting.’ You…..
  6. You turn to face a quite cute looking Nightwing. ‘What are you doing here? I thought Nightwings don’t really come here often.‘ You ask him curiously. you think he is..
  7. “I’m a hybrid between Nightwing and Seawing” he explained. “I know what you’re thinking.I’m really weird”
  8. “I don’t think you are weird. I think it’s awesome that you’re a hybrid!” You say. “ really? “Asks the Seawing/ Nightwing.
  9. You soon become friend and hunt together. The Hybrid’s name is Starfall. He says everyone hates him for being a hybrid but you.
  10. One day, Starfall brings you to a cave behind a waterfall. He says it’s his favourite spot to hang out and do activities. You ask him why we are here NOW.He says it’s a secret. After an awkward pause, he confesses he liked you the day he met you. What do you do?

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