wings of fire quiz 1-10 books (spoilers)

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rawr this quiz is amazing if you like wings of fire this is the quiz for you! (: p.s i need to make this as long as i can to publish this quiz so if your reading this it is for no point

clay is proud of you(: p.s hope u enjoy p.p.s i need to make this as long as i can to publish this quiz so if your reading this it is for no point (: rawr

Created by: glory the rainwing
  1. how did dark stalker get realised
  2. which of these are not a real seawing, sorry *hides behind tsunami*
  3. who is queen of the rainwings
  4. who is the queen of the sandwings
  5. which are the strongest types of dragons
  6. this is my first quiz
  7. who is perils farther
  8. is the prophecy made up
  9. who is moon's mum
  10. who is queen of the icewings
  11. what do dragons call humans
  12. LAST QUESTION!!! (giant spoiler) is turtle a animus

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