Wings Of Fire Love Story Part 2

This is part two of my previous quiz. If you didnt do it you should. Be warned this time around there is a lot of action but a lot of reading so have fun!!

This story is a love story but also action. I hope you all like it. If you could wait until tomorrow there will be a part three with hopefully less writing!!!!!

Created by: Skylar
  1. You wake up and all you can think about is Avalanche. You admire him, but it starts to ware off for a little. You can manage to tell one person about it. You tell...
  2. You go to the dragon you choose(if its nobody than you say this to yourself) and tell them that you dont have mu ccj time and you quickly tell them everything. They say that they'll help fix it and then you turn to go out of the room. You walk a few steps and then you bump into Avalanche. You raise your tail to smack him and then the potion snaps back on. Your tail twines around Avalanche's. You both walk into the dining room and the potion goes off again. You...
  3. After you do what you do a yelow-ish blur flies over your head. The blur trips you both and brings you to his dorm. He puts you down and you see that it is Scorpion. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!" you shot. He responds by saying that hes saving you. He tells you not to tell anyone what your seeing and you promise not to. He pulls out a flower petal and says "I enchant this flower petal to take off any potion effects from The dragon it touches." He touches it with you and you forget all about Avalanche. You...
  4. You walk away towards and Scorpion follows. You think that you like...
  5. After that a nightwing much older than you walks up to you. Her name is MoonWatcher. She tells you in a soft whisper. "If you really like them than go to them. Dont worry I wont tell anyone." You ignore forgetting that she can read minds. You walk past TidalWaves room and see him crouched in a corner writing frantically in a book. He came over to you and asks you to come in. You go in and to your suprise he ties you to his bedpost. He tells you that he asked Scorpion to give him animus powers and he did. He tells you to wear a certain earing it was very pretty. You take it forgetting that he is an animus now. He tells you to wave at him and for some reason you do. He tells you not to move and you dont. He leans in and kisses you. You think...
  6. He finally untied you and says you can move again. You instantly take of the earing, but it wouldn"t come off. You run away and feel a little breeze above you. You trip and many thoughts whisk through your head and then gone. All your thoughts from the last hour faded away. You run into your dorm and ask Melon if he can...
  7. He decides to sleep so you have time to yourself. Muck and StarGazer walk in and see you pacing around your room. They ask you what happened and you dont remember. They see your new earing and you touch it and try to take it off. It stayed on everyone else tried to help too. Scorpion walks in and tells You to come to him. You do. He tells you to follow him. You do. He brings you to a secret room in the library. He undoes the spell and tells you to take off the earing. He sends you away and you bump into Cardinal. He greets you and you warn him that...
  8. You collapse in the floor crying and Cardinal brings you back into the secret library room. He sees Scorpion and tells him to beat it. You and Cardinal are alone. He tells you that he likes someone in this school but he doesn't know if he should go to her. Sarcastically you say "why don't you put a love potion on them or hypnotize them or maybe even use animus magic." Cardinal took it seriously and darted out off the room thanking you. You try to stop him but it's too late. You go to his dorm room and wait there so you can stop them. He walks back in with a little clock in his hands he tells you to be quiet and don't move. You trust him so you dont. Suddenly he pulls out his clock and swings it back and forth back and forth. You follow it with your eyes and grow sleepier with every tick. You fall into a trance. He says that everytime he says the word Down you will fall into this state of trance and if you already are you trance will become 100× deeper. He says down many times and each time you fall deeper into trance. He then tells you "when you awaken you will love me for-" then he stops. He looks behind him and there are Muck and StarGazer. They give him a look. And he…
  9. You walk out and see all 7 dragons that you've met. Avalanche, TidalWave, Cardinal, Muck, Melon, StarGazer, and Scorpion. They all teach for you for different reasons. Avalanche to use his love potion. TidalWave for a new earing. Cardinal for hypnosis. Muck to tell you an important thing. Melon to tell you a secret. StarGazer to attack you for 'stealing' her scrolls. Scorpion to use an animus touched thing on you. They all reach you at the same time. Everyone fought and scratched just to get you. Scorpion being the strongest gets you and says an animus spell while running. He drops you in the feasting hall and runs back out. Avalanche gets to you next. He throws a blow dart at you and you fall unconscious you wake up a few minutes later and you are on top of Jad Mountain. Avalanche is sitting there surrounded by six other dragons. It's all six boys. Scorpion opens his eyes and winks. Then closes them Tidal Wave wakes up and tries to use animus magic it doesn't work. Avalanche sees you awake and he grabs you. You wish you could save them. He brings to StoneMovers cave and just out of earshot from him. He makes you drink a potion and it feels like there is no effect. He asks you…
  10. Avalanche comes back with all the other dragons floating on behind him. He lies them all in a neat row against the wall. And there are matching bracelets on all of them he puts one on you and you cant talk nor move. I'm sorry guys this is the end. Tell me should I make a part 3

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