wings of fire love story for girls

your first day at jade mountain acadamy! blah(*°▽°*)(❁´◡`❁)☆*: .. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*☆:-D:-) ◕_◕ ( ´)(._.`)(•_•)abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzblahblabv)blahblah

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Created by: FutureCheeryFires
  1. it is your first day at jade mountain! you go to
  2. no mater what you chose, you get tired and go to your sleeping cave. you see a seawing. you say
  3. if you said hi, he jumps up, startled, and alowly backes out of the room.
  4. if you ignored him, he stays. you see a flask of watter next to your hammock. the seawing notices you and says "oh, clay gave me one to!"
  5. you go to the pray center with the seawing close behind." my name is Wave. what's yours?"
  6. once you get there Wave says" by the way, wach out for the skywing named egle. he is good at makeing all kinds of potions." you
  7. you bump into a skywing on you wat in. you go to get food, and notice the skywing is stareing at you
  8. as you eat, you suddenly feel sleepy. you go to your sleeping cave and can not stop thinking about the skywing. you fall asleep. cliffhanger!!!!
  9. how do you like it?
  10. promice I will make another!

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