Wings of Fire Forgotten: The Amethyst Winglet (part 9)

Part 9 of my quiz series, the Amethyst Winglet! If you're not all caught up with parts 1-8, go click on my name, QueenGlory (right below these paragraphs), and you should find all the quizzes there!

I really don't know what to put in this second paragraph. I feel like I've already said everything I need to say, so I'm just going to fill this space randomly oserugmsesrdi jkjlawercn tuygliujklgvf

Created by: QueenGlory
  1. This one is in Citrine's pov!
  2. "Look!" Cay shouts suddenly, pointing up at the sky. You look up to see a Mudwing and a Skywing flying overhead. Behind them, there's an Icewing and a Seawing. "That looks like Frost and River!" you gasp, and leap into the air to follow them. Then, another dragon flies down to sit beside Cay and Phoenix. It's Lily. "Citrine? Caelynn, Phoenix! I can't believe we found you guys!" she shouts excitedly. "Lily, where in the three moons did you go?" River shouts. Lily looks up. "Down here, guys!" River and Frost fly down to join you. "Where's Wildfire?" Phoenix asks. You glance up again. "Was that him with the Mudwing?" you say. River curses. "He didn't hear us!" You say:
  3. "Let's go after him, then!" Amber says. Everyone looks at her, surprised. "Where have you been?" River and Citrine say accusingly. Amber shrugs. "I left after we decided to try and find the other group. I think I found something." She leads you over to a small tunnel carved into the side of the mountain. You think it's...
  4. "Cool!" Cay says. "Let's go in!" River looks at her, incredulous. "Are you absolutely insane?" she says. "This is obviously a trap! If you don't think so, go find that Mudwing that Wildfire's chasing and ask him about it." "Um... asking him if this is a trap isn't really going to do anything," Phoenix points out. "He WANTS us to go in there and get killed." River sighs. "Of course he does. So we should take him in with us." "Make him go first!" Frost says. "I like that plan." You say:
  5. "All right," Amber sighs. "Let's vote. Who wants to go in?" "I do!" Cay bursts out. "Let's go! Come on, guys!" "I don't think it's a good idea." River says. "I vote yes," Phoenix offers. "No!" Lily says. "It's a trap." "Well of course it's a trap," Frost grumbles. "This is stupid. We don't even know if this is where we need to go." Amber shrugs. "I think yes. Citrine?" They all look at you. "It's up to you." You say:
  6. TUNNEL: If you chose to go into the tunnel, do these questions. If not, skip them. Cay cheers and immediately starts to head into the mouth of the tunnel. "Wait!" you say. "Let's get that Mudwing, the one that attacked Phoenix over there." Cay sighs. "Okay." River, Lily and Frost follow you, confused, to where Phoenix knocked out the Mudwing. River splashes water over his face and he comes to, spluttering. Phoenix grabs him and hisses in his face. "What do you know about that tunnel?" "What tunnel?" he asks, confused. You:
  7. NOT TUNNEL: Do these questions if you decided that the tunnel was too dangerous. If you decided to go in the tunnels, skip this question. Cay sighs in disappointment and Frost laughs triumphantly. "Okay, then where do we go?" Amber asks. "If not in the tunnel, I mean." River looks up at the sky. "Let's try and follow Wildfire and that Mudwing. They can't be too far ahead." Phoenix shakes her head defiantly. "We won't be able to catch up with them. I'm going in this tunnel, and I don't care if you guys follow me!" With that, she charges into the tunnel. "Phoenix, wait!" River shouts, then grumbles exasperatedly. "Great. Now they're both gone. I guess we're going in the tunnel after all, Citrine." Frost snorts. "Why? She and her brother can do whatever the heck they want. We should go back to Jade Mountain." "No!" Cay flares. "We need to go after her. To make sure she's safe." "She's a firescales. She'll be fine. Let's leave!" Frost says. She turns to fly away. "Wait!" River shouts. "Frost, wait. Caelynn's right. We should go after her." Frost sighs heavily, but turns around. You...
  8. TUNNEL: "This one, swamp-snorter." Frost snaps. She shoves him toward it and he resists, a flicker of fear passing over his face. "Ah, so you DO know what this is," River says triumphantly. He shakes his head unconvincingly. Frost rolls her eyes and turns to River to say something, but before she can, the Mudwing kicks her and flares open his wings. "No!" River shouts, but it's too late. He lifts off and is gone in a flash. "Darn!" Frost says. "We need to go after him." "No, we can't." Phoenix says. "We need to go in the tunnel, to find Wildfire. I'm going in!" Then she charges into the tunnel. "Phoenix, wait!" River shouts, then grumbles exasperatedly. "Great. Now they're both gone. I guess we're going in the tunnel after all, Citrine." Frost snorts. "Why? She and her brother can do whatever the heck they want. We should go back to Jade Mountain." "No!" Cay flares. "We need to go after her. To make sure she's safe." "She's a firescales. She'll be fine. Let's leave!" Frost says. She turns to fly away. "Wait!" River shouts. "Frost, wait. Caelynn's right. We should go after her." Frost sighs heavily, but turns around. You...
  9. BOTH: Frost turns and storms down the tunnel angrily. "This is stupid. Featherheaded slush-brains, chasing after a couple of smoke-breathers we've barely even met." You bite back a retort and duck into the tunnel after Cay and Amber, who rush in excitedly, and River. Lily follows you into the pitch black of the tunnel. Amber breathes a plume of fire out in front of you and Lily grabs her. "No! Don't use fire. You'll alert every dragon anywhere near us that we're coming, and the whole point of this is to find Phoenix and avoid any more fights." You say:
  10. "Where are we even going?" Frost asks. "I have no idea," Lily says, "but it's kinda creepy, if you ask me." Amber agrees, looking behind her warily. "Is there some kind of monster in here or something?" Cay asks, sounding more than a little nervous. You say:
  11. Suddenly, something swishes past your head. You spin around to see what it is, but it's too dark. Amber yelps. "Was that you, Lily?" "Was what me?" Lily asks. "Something just brushed past me, and I can't tell what it is." "There!" River points at something ahead of you, but no one else sees anything. "What is it, River?" "I don't know, but it's not a dragon." she says. "I'll go closer and see." "I'll go with you," Amber offers, but River shakes her head. Cay brushes past you, and you look at her just in time to see her fading into the shadows, camouflaging in order to follow River unnoticed. Lily sees her, too, and heaves a sigh before disappearing as well. Frost rolls her eyes. "Rainwings," she mutters. You say:
  12. River looks back, but doesn't see Lily and Cay. Amber draws a sharp breath in as River approaches the thing in the shadows, but nothing happens right away. Then River leans in for a closer look.
  13. And something happens.
  14. Which will be revealed...
  15. Who do you think you are?

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