Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz WIN AIRTIME TODAY.
I got 100% im still waiting my number is 073 702 5681 mtn pls use fnb mobile account to trasfer
Avumile1 -
Hi I won R25 here's my number 0794853198
Hey im Douglas I won R10.00 My No 0712418154
Hi I won 25 rand my number is 0744805888
buye1 -
I won R25.00. Please send to 09036460502
Rapheal1 -
I won Rs.10.00 please send here 09067923634
creex1 -
MY R25 AIRTIME I WON IT NOW.0839431381
NHLA11 -
I got 100 please my airtime am using Etisalat, 08184803986
kebezo1 -
This thing does not work mxm cz i always play bt i dnt get my airtime
I win R10 help me to get this airtime at 0618351020
I won 25.00 but I don't. See a airtime on ma acount. please send my airtime on this number 0612387601
samukelo1 -
Hi I won R25 and I haven't got my airtime ....please send it to. 0796571491
anele1 -
I'm waiting for my price i won with 100% 0782638958
the numbers you give us does not exist
gator1 -
How do I get the airtime I won. My number +27744897615
Pontsho1 -
I won R25.00 cash today and my number is 0737931782
Nontoh1 -
I just won R25.00 and i don't know how to claim it my numbers are 0762536334
Wow 25rand airtime send it to my number plz 0744866302 im vodacom n thanx
I won airtime and i don't get it in my phone why no 0736893987
Kgowane1 -
I got 90 can I get my. Airtime 0627112057
Des1 -
Hey I won R25 please load me 0710677268
i won airtime here is my number 0761946755
Tsakani1 -
i have won r10 airtime my number is 0783787037
Mariam1 -
I won, can i get my airtime now 0612005422
Neezy1 -
I won Rs10 send it to +254701856571