Will Your Crush say Yes or No? | Comments

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  • Will Your Crush say Yes or No?
    Your Result: They Will Say Yes 93%

    Congradu lations! Your crush is going to say "Yes" and you'll go out on yor first date! Congrats! Hopefully you'll live happily ever after, and you'll thank Gustauf Salem for your happy-being!

    Gue ss what... I have taken two quizzes, and they have both said "YES" OMFGGGG!

    • Hi my test said no but i went ahead and asked anyway and he said YES (just so you know i am a girl i am not a boy asking a boy) but i am so excited

  • I got that he will say yes and we went to his house yesterday for dinner because our younger sisters are friends and he said he liked me. Yayyy!!! This quiz is true. : D

  • it alright quiz


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