Will your crush like you

Heh will your crush like you? You will found out here because I did is things that will make sure he or she will like u I mean to know if he or she like you

Will you lose to win her or his heart? Found it out here at this quiz ... Im just saying it again plz comment to my quiz and thank you for taking it.

Created by: Rojan Jarin
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you know things about him/her
  2. Are you close with your crush
  3. What are your hobbys
  4. Do you have little lovely scenes happen with your crush?how many?
  5. Do you have good manners
  6. Will you will have a date with her or him
  7. Whats your talent?
  8. Will you like to meet her or his parents
  9. Will you court him/her
  10. Do you know me?

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Quiz topic: Will Ir crush like you