Will You Tell Your Greatest Secret?

Everyone has a secret so odd, weird and embarrassing that they think they may never share it. Eventually some will share theirs, doesn't matter who they share with.

So will you be one that blurts out their secret to a family member/BFF/crush? It's nothing to be ashamed about, really-everyone has these kind of secrets!

Created by: WoomyFresher
  1. Do you care what people think of you?
  2. What's your strangest habit?
  3. You eat the Wonka gum and turn blue. You start inflating. Which celebrity/pop group is with you?
  4. Which other quiz of mine have you taken? Will you comment on said quiz?
  5. Favorite video game and why?
  6. Which celebrity/pop group is the best?
  7. That last question did not effect your results.
  8. Good-bye.
  9. That didn't effect your results either
  10. OK see ya mannequins! (Mannequins are slang for my fanbase)

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Quiz topic: Will I Tell my Greatest Secret?
