Will you survive zombies

There will be many zombies but it is up to you if you survive or not make the right decisions and you will survive.

Will you survive zombies Find out by taking this quiz.

Created by: Lexy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have any weapons Sticks,guns,swords,baseball bats
  2. Will you help others more than yourself
  3. Do you need a groupe to survive
  4. Would you hide or not
  5. I would most likely sleep in a ....
  6. I would use a ..
  7. I would be
  8. you got bit you would
  9. I don't need technology
  10. I'll be sad for those people

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Quiz topic: Will I survive zombies