will you survive? WOF FIGHT[WINGS OF FIRE] | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz will you survive? WOF FIGHT[WINGS OF FIRE].
You won with no scars,that's right I don't take crap from others whatsoever I will fight for myself no matter what until I do win. Cool quiz mate.
You win but one wond
I survived with lots of scars. Sounds about right ;)
I won with a single wound.
Thats right!Go to hell oponent! *snarls and starts a fight with dragon nearest her*
Wings of fire me and my sister love wof I made books and I stop 12/12
I Win Die suied dragon!!!!!!!!!!! ( Kills a dragon in 5 min)
One scar thats right,( Starts to attak a ice wing in 9 min)
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